[GRASSLIST:5322] Re: Compiling grass5.0.0

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu Jan 16 21:58:15 EST 2003

Sjors wrote:

> I'm sorry, my question of yesterday seemed premature. I've compiled 
> grass5.0.0 now with postgres and ODBC on Redhat8.0 with gcc3.2 and it's 
> working. Did not test all the modules, but the most seem to work.
> I've also downloaded the eperimental HEAD source. Is it possible to just 
> extract the grid3d modules, compile them and then insert them into 
> normal grass code?? Or should I just remove the normal code and compile 
> the HEAD version?? I trust that HEAD code is stable enough for normal 
> modules and work, or is it still very buggy?

It should be possible to add the grid3d modules to an existing

HEAD should be usable. If anything, it should have fewer bugs than the
5.0.0 release, as a number of bugs have been fixed since then.

The really experimental version (grass51) is a separate CVS module.

> Another question is to do with the binaries. If I'm correct it's not 
> possible to build a rpm with postgres and ODBC. At least with installing 
> the binaries, they're never there.  This is because I want to try and 
> build rpm's at least for my own system (in general later) so installing 
> grass5 won't take so much time. If it's to complex to anwser don't go 
> through the trouble, I will experiment on my own and see. I will go on 
> testing the normal code for now.

Neither PostgreSQL nor ODBC should cause any problems for building an
RPM. The binary packages from the GRASS website normally include the
PostgreSQL modules; however, the normal procedure is to build NVIZ
without PostgreSQL support, so that it will still work on a system
without PostgreSQL installed.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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