[GRASSLIST:828] Getting the E00 attributes into GRASS

Gualter Barbas Baptista gualter at gaia.org.pt
Sun Jul 27 20:28:16 EDT 2003


I'm trying to get the multiple attributes from an E00 export, but I'm not 
succeeding very well in it. First, because a lot of operations are very very 
time consuming (like running v.support on a copy of the vector file that has 
the same name of one of the attributes). Others seem to not be working 
(converting vector to raster with v.to.rast with the name of the attribute 
and copying the attributes from dig_cats to cats - d.legend or r.report hangs 
or at least stays consuming CPU for too long).

What would be the right, simplest and fastest way to do this?

Gualter Barbas Baptista
GAIA - Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental

Witch!  Witch!  They'll burn ya!
		-- Hag, "Tomorrow is Yesterday", stardate unknown

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