[GRASSLIST:6204] Re: nviz initialisation

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed May 7 14:59:10 EDT 2003

Jan Hartmann wrote:

> I just compiled Grass5.0.2 as a non-root user (i.e. with all binaries 
> and libraries installed in my $HOME directory). All suporting packages, 
> like Mesa and TclTK are also installed in $HOME. Everything works 
> beautiful, except nviz. When I call it from the tcltk interface, I get a 
> popup for specifying the input maps, but after that an error message 
> pops up: "/home/.../grass5/tcltkgrass/main/pause: nviz: command not 
> found". Before I start delving in the source code, has anyone an idea 
> how to correct this? It's probably a trifle.

It appears that NVIZ failed to compile; error.log should confirm this.

The actual error message(s) will be in the output from "make"; if you
didn't redirect it to a file, re-run make and save the output, e.g. 
"make &> build.log" (re-running make doesn't take long if everything
is already built).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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