[GRASSLIST:6210] Re: Solaris 9 Build Problems

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu May 8 07:23:48 EDT 2003

Ade Fewings wrote:

> It is highly possible [indeed likely] that i'm doing something silly, 
> but i'm having trouble building Grass on a Solaris 9 Sparc box.  I have 
> installed the required packages having built them with GCC3.2.2. 
> Everything is in /usr/local/....
> The problem i have is with the configure script.  It all looks good 
> until the following happens.....

> configure: error: *** Unable to locate GD library.
> #
> I have successfully built and installed the latest version of libpng and 
> the lib files are in /usr/local/lib and the headers are in 
> /usr/local/include.  Can anybody help with this output from the 
> configure script?

Do you have the GD library? If not, either get it from:


or use the --without-gd configure switch (this will inhibit building
the PNG driver).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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