[GRASSLIST:36] Newbie Region Problems

R. Sean Fulton fulton at cmu.edu
Thu May 15 10:53:20 EDT 2003


I'm trying to combine some raster and vector data from 
www.pasda.psu.edu (links below). The raster (DOQ) and vector (SHAPE) 
are in different projections. I've created locations for each and 
imported them. When I re-project with v.proj (or r.proj) the two, 
which should overlap, are no where near each other.

The region for the raster was set with info from gdalinfo and worked 
straight away, i.e. I could d.rast and see it. The vector files meta 
data had bounding coordinates that appear to be in lat/lon and so 
were useless for its projection (aea). Setting the region from the 
vector once it was imported seemed to work though.

Now the only problem is that, when combined, the two regions don't overlap.

Are there any good primers on projections and grass regions and 
importing data? I couldn't find anything useful on the web-site.




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