[GRASSLIST:38] Re: mapset creation (and can't search archives?)

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu May 15 10:42:30 EDT 2003

Kirk R. Wythers wrote:

> If I read the man page correctly (always a big if), g.gisenv will only
> do me any good once I have the MAPSET created. My first problem is the
> under the LOCATION I made, I have only one MAPSET (PERMANENT). I want to
> create several MAPSETS, but I can't find how to simply create a new

You want to create it without user interaction, right?

> Here's a scheme of what I'm looking to do:
> LOACATION				n_mn
> MAPSETS		PERMANENT	lake_access	acquisition_survey	timber_survey
> So... I think what I'm after is under the directory
> ~/grassdata/locations 
> I want the directories: lake_access, acquisition_survey, timber_survey

The directory layout is <database>/<location>/<mapset>/..., so if your
database is ~/grassdata, the mapset "lake_access" in location "n_mn"
would correspond to the directory "~/grassdata/n_mn/lake_access/".

> Can I simply use mkdir to create them, then use g.copy to move data into
> them?

To create a new mapset, you need to create the directory (e.g. with
mkdir) then create a WIND file in that directory (e.g. by copying the
DEFAULT_WIND file from the PERMANENT mapset).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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