[GRASSLIST:42] Re: Newbie Region Problems
Moritz Lennert
mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Thu May 15 12:00:55 EDT 2003
R. Sean Fulton said:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to combine some raster and vector data from
> www.pasda.psu.edu (links below). The raster (DOQ) and vector (SHAPE)
> are in different projections. I've created locations for each and
> imported them. When I re-project with v.proj (or r.proj) the two,
> which should overlap, are no where near each other.
> The region for the raster was set with info from gdalinfo and worked
> straight away, i.e. I could d.rast and see it. The vector files meta
> data had bounding coordinates that appear to be in lat/lon and so
> were useless for its projection (aea). Setting the region from the
> vector once it was imported seemed to work though.
> Now the only problem is that, when combined, the two regions don't
> overlap.
> Are there any good primers on projections and grass regions and
> importing data? I couldn't find anything useful on the web-site.
Have you tried the Tutorial at http://grass.itc.it/gdp/grass5tutor/,
especially the chapter called "The GRASS Region" ?
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