[GRASSLIST:82] converting NTF data

pcgproduction production at pcgraphics.uk.com
Mon May 19 05:26:55 EDT 2003

Dear all

I have a copy of Grass 5.0.2 and I am trying to find a way of converting NTF

I need to  convert the data as vector whilst keeping all the text  as
editable annotations rather than labelled points. I have tried converting
NTF data to ESRI ArcView editable formats but it always converts the text to
labelled points.

I have read that NTF data can be converted using m.in.ntf but I cannot find
a copy of this command. I also read in the archives that gdal does something
but again I am not sure.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Timothy Langner
PCGraphics (UK) Ltd.

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