[GRASSLIST:1359] Re: Raster Maps at different Resolutions

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 26 01:03:43 EDT 2003

> I looked all over the Neteler book and online but couldn't find any
> info on how to  display two raster files that cover the same extent
> (just tiff's imported in XY) but are at different resolutions.  I
> could have just missed it since this seems like a relatively
> uncomplicated thing to do so i doubt GRASS lacks this capability...so
> could someone enlighten me.  thanks again!
> Just for your info I created a location based upon the number of rows
> and cols of the high resolution picture (an ortho photo) and would
> like to drape it over a lower resolution greyscale DEM.  Thanks for
> any tips

g.region rast=high_res_map
d.rast high_res_map
d.rast -o low_res_map

The -o means "overlay".


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