[GRASSLIST:4117] Re: points and centroids bcolor + g.parser

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri Aug 6 07:00:26 EDT 2004

On Friday 06 August 2004 12:17, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently been using heavily GRASS5.7 as a GIS program and came up
> with the following 2 questions/observations:
> 1 - If I draw my points or centroids as filled elements (circle, triangle
> or diamond or whatever) with a color fill and an outline color they draw
> right on the screen but when I print them with ps.map I  get the right
> color for the outline but always a red background, no matter what color I
> chose for the  background.  A bug? A limit in the ps.map module?

A bug. From d.m? fcolor (vpoints) in ps.map input should help.


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