[GRASSLIST:4197] Re: Adding CATS to buffered lines (Grass5.7)

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Tue Aug 17 12:38:44 EDT 2004

New option. v.overlay writes 3 categories, first is a new unique
cat, the second is that from ainput and the third from binput;
fields are in this order. 'ofield' can change output fields. 
With 'ofield=0,1,1' it will not write new unique cat 
and it will merge cats from ainput and binput
into field 1 (i.e. two cats of the same field).
This option was added exactly for what you are doing - patching
of overlapping areas.


On Tuesday 17 August 2004 17:57, Craig Aumann wrote:
> Thanks!  That's certainly a bit cleaner.
> I don't understand your v.overlay command, however. My version of
> Grass5.7 doesn't have an ofield option.  Similarly, I don't see why
> field=1 should send things to the output - the only options I see are
> afield and bfield.
> A bit confused by what you mean!
> Craig
> >     v.overlay -t ainput=seisbuf binput=seistempbuf2 output=seistempbuf3 \
> >                  ofield=0,1,1  # input cats are written to output with
> > field=1

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