[GRASSLIST:5039] Re: vector lines to area?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Dec 3 05:37:05 EST 2004

On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 07:00:18PM -0500, Allard, Yannick (EXP) wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a porblem concerning the transformation of lines into area. I have .e00 files which I have converted with avcimport. These vector files are only lines even if some of them should define an area (there is no PAT in the e00 file, only AAT). I've tried importing the vector lines as area boundaries but it dont work quite well, some area are not showing up and some other that shouldn't be areas but holes are created. Is there an easy way to transform those lines which are defining an area into a real area so I could build a raster map with these area showing up? I've tried v.digit and selecting an centroid. However, for some area with holes the holes are still defined as areas (if I import the lines as area boundaries) or the lines are not defined as boundaries so I've got a centroid outside an area (is there a way to change the line into a boundary other than v.type, using v.type transform the lines as boundaries for 2 areas, which is not my case).
> I'm using Grass 5.7.0 

Hi Yannick,
you may try 'v.in.e00' from GRASS 5.7-CVS. Probably also other problems may go away
with an update to current GRASS 5.7-CVS (e.g., small angles were fixed after 5.7.0 release
in v.in.ogr).


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