[GRASSLIST:2184] cant display vector map in monitor

hamdi ines hamdi_ines2003 at yahoo.fr
Mon Jan 12 04:01:42 EST 2004


Hello ,
I tried to remove gml: from the gml file
(output.gml),from this i could resolv the error with
d.vect, v.in.ogr, and v.info command  but the map isnt
displayed in the monitor(is white). In despite i have
the following resul with vi.in.ogr, d.vect and v.info
vector command:
v.in.ogr dsn=/root/output.gml output=gmltest5
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > v.in.ogr dsn=/home/output.gml 
D2/3: Vect_open_new(): name = gmltest5
D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
WARNING: Vector 'gmltest5' already exists and will be
D3/3: Delete vector 'gmltest5'
D1/3: Vect_open_old(): name = gmltest5 mapset= maptest
update = 0
D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
D1/3: open format file: 'maptest/vector/gmltest5/frmt'
D1/3: Vector format: 0 (native)
D1/3: Level request = 1
D1/3: V1_open_old_nat(): name = gmltest5 mapset =
D2/3: Coor header: file version 5.0 , supported from
GRASS version 5.0
D2/3:   byte order 0
D2/3:   header size 14
D2/3:   with_z 216
D2/3:   coor size 0
D1/3: get coor info:
D1/3: Info->size = 14, Info->mtime = 1073893988
D1/3: coor size in head = 0, real coor file size= 14
WARNING: coor files of vector 'gmltest5 at maptest' is
larger than it should
         be (14 bytes excess).
D2/3: dig_file_load ()
D2/3:   requested mode = 2
D2/3:   size = 14
D2/3:   file was not loaded to the memory
D1/3: Vect__read_head(): vector = gmltest5 at maptest
D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/3: Vect_open_old(): vector opened on level 1
D1/3: Vect_read_dblinks(): map = gmltest5, mapset =
D1/3: dbln file:
D1/3: dbln: 1 gmltest5_1 cat
D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 1
D1/3: field = 1 name = (null), table = gmltest5_1, key
= cat, database = $GISDBASE/$LOCA
TION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/, driver = dbf
D1/3: Dblinks read
D1/3: Vect_Rewind(): name = gmltest5
D1/3: Vect_get_dblink(): link = 0
D3/3: Vect_subst_var(): in =
$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/, map = gmltest5,
et = maptest
D3/3:   -> /home/newgrass//spearfish/maptest/dbf/
D3/3: Delete drv:db:table
D3/3: db_start_driver_open_database():
  drvname = dbf, dbname =
D2/3: add_table(): table = bugsites name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_1 name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_2 name =
WARNING: Table 'gmltest5_1' linked to vector did not
D1/3: Vect_close(): name = gmltest5, mapset = maptest,
format = 0, level = 1
D1/3: V1_close_nat(): name = gmltest5 mapset= maptest
D3/3: opendir
D3/3: delete file
D3/3: delete file
D3/3: delete file
D3/3: delete file
D3/3: delete directory
D3/3:   format = 0
D1/3: V1_open_new_nat(): name = gmltest5
D1/3: Vect_get_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/3: dig__write_head()
D1/3: write coor size (0) to head
D2/3: coor body offset 14
D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
D3/3: Vect_hist_command()
D3/3: G_recreate_command()
Layer: River
D1/3: Vect_default_field_info(): map = gmltest5 field
= 1
D2/3: drv = dbf db =
D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 1
D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = gmltest5, mapset =
D1/3: dbln file:
D1/3: 1 gmltest5_1 cat
D1/3: Dblinks written
D2/3: 2 columns
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'description'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'description'
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'name'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'name'
D3/3: create table gmltest5_1 (cat integer,
description varchar ( 0 ), name varchar ( 0
D3/3: Vect_subst_var(): in =
$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/, map = gmltest5,
et = maptest
D3/3:   -> /home/newgrass//spearfish/maptest/dbf/
D3/3: db_start_driver_open_database():
  drvname = dbf, dbname =
D2/3: add_table(): table = bugsites name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_1 name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_2 name =
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_1
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest5_1 name =
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_1
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3:   ? gmltest5_1
D2/3: Begin transaction
D3/3: geom() cat = 1
D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = gmltest5, format = 0,
level = 1
D3/3: insert into gmltest5_1 values ( 1, 'The river
that runs through Cambridge.', 'Cam'
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_1
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3:   ? gmltest5_1
D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 3,
D2/3: load_table(): tab = 3
D2/3: Commit transaction
D2/3: Write table to tempfile:
dbmi: Protocol error
Layer: Road
D1/3: Vect_default_field_info(): map = gmltest5 field
= 2
D2/3: drv = dbf db =
D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 2
D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = gmltest5, mapset =
D1/3: dbln file:
D1/3: 1 gmltest5_1 cat
D1/3: 2 gmltest5_2 cat
D1/3: Dblinks written
D2/3: 3 columns
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'name'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'name'
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'classification'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'classification'
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'number'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'number'
D3/3: create table gmltest5_2 (cat integer, name
varchar ( 0 ), classification varchar (
 0 ), number varchar ( 0 ))
D3/3: Vect_subst_var(): in =
$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/, map = gmltest5,
et = maptest
D3/3:   -> /home/newgrass//spearfish/maptest/dbf/
D3/3: db_start_driver_open_database():
  drvname = dbf, dbname =
D2/3: add_table(): table = bugsites name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_1 name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_2 name =
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_2
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest5_2 name =
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_2
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3:   ? gmltest5_2
D2/3: Begin transaction
D3/3: geom() cat = 1
D3/3: Vect_write_line(): name = gmltest5, format = 0,
level = 1
D3/3: insert into gmltest5_2 values ( 1, 'M11',
'motorway', '11' )
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_2
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3:   ? gmltest5_2
D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 3,
D2/3: load_table(): tab = 3
D2/3: Commit transaction
D2/3: Write table to tempfile:
dbmi: Protocol error
Layer: Mountain
D1/3: Vect_default_field_info(): map = gmltest5 field
= 3
D2/3: drv = dbf db =
D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 3
D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = gmltest5, mapset =
D1/3: dbln file:
D1/3: 1 gmltest5_1 cat
D1/3: 2 gmltest5_2 cat
D1/3: 3 gmltest5_3 cat
D1/3: Dblinks written
D2/3: 3 columns
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'description'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'description'
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'name'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'name'
D3/3: Ogr_ftype: 4
D3/3: namebuf = 'elevation'
D3/3: Ogr_fieldname = 'elevation'
D3/3: create table gmltest5_3 (cat integer,
description varchar ( 0 ), name varchar ( 0
), elevation varchar ( 0 ))
D3/3: Vect_subst_var(): in =
$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/, map = gmltest5,
et = maptest
D3/3:   -> /home/newgrass//spearfish/maptest/dbf/
D3/3: db_start_driver_open_database():
  drvname = dbf, dbname =
D2/3: add_table(): table = bugsites name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_1 name =
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest8_2 name =
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_3
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3: add_table(): table = gmltest5_3 name =
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_3
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3:   ? gmltest5_3
D2/3: Begin transaction
D3/3: insert into gmltest5_3 values ( 1, 'World''s
highest mountain is in Nepal!', 'Ever
est', '8850' )
D2/3: find_table(): table = gmltest5_3
D2/3:   ? bugsites
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_1
D2/3:   ? gmltest8_2
D2/3:   ? gmltest5_3
D2/3: load_table_head(): tab = 3,
D2/3: load_table(): tab = 3
D2/3: Commit transaction
D2/3: Write table to tempfile:
dbmi: Protocol error
WARNING: 1 feature without geometry.
D1/3: Vect_build()
D1/3: Vect_build_nat() build = 4
D1/3: Vect_Rewind(): name = gmltest5
Registering lines: D3/3: Vect_read_next_line()
D3/3: V1_read_next_line_nat()
D3/3: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 14
D3/3:     type = 2, do_cats = 1 dead = 0
D3/3:     n_points = 3
D3/3:     off = 74
D3/3: Register line: offset = 14
D3/3: Register node: type = 2,  0.000000,50.000000
D3/3: dig_find_node()
D3/3: node = 0
D3/3: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 0, alloc_nodes = 0
D3/3: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 1, x,y,z =
0.000000, 50.000000, 0.000000
D3/3: new node = 1, n_nodes = 1, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/3: Add new node: 1
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): node = 1 line = 1
D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/3:     angle = 0.141897
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): line 1 added position 0
n_lines: 1 angle 0.141897
D3/3: Register node 100.000000,50.000000
D3/3: dig_find_node()
D3/3: node = 0
D3/3: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 1, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/3: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 2, x,y,z =
100.000000, 50.000000, 0.000000
D3/3: new node = 2, n_nodes = 2, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/3: Add new node: 2
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): node = 2 line = -1
D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/3:     angle = 2.819842
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): line -1 added position 0
n_lines: 1 angle 2.819842
D3/3: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 1
D3/3: Vect_read_next_line()
D3/3: V1_read_next_line_nat()
D3/3: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 74
D3/3:     type = 2, do_cats = 1 dead = 0
D3/3:     n_points = 3
D3/3:     off = 134
D3/3: Register line: offset = 74
D3/3: Register node: type = 2,  0.000000,5.000000
D3/3: dig_find_node()
D3/3: node = 0
D3/3: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 2, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/3: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 3, x,y,z =
0.000000, 5.000000, 0.000000
D3/3: new node = 3, n_nodes = 3, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/3: Add new node: 3
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): node = 3 line = 2
D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/3:     angle = 0.269945
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): line 2 added position 0
n_lines: 1 angle 0.269945
D3/3: Register node 80.500000,60.900000
D3/3: dig_find_node()
D3/3: node = 0
D3/3: dig_add_node(): n_nodes = 3, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/3: dig_spidx_add_node(): node = 4, x,y,z =
80.500000, 60.900000, 0.000000
D3/3: new node = 4, n_nodes = 4, alloc_nodes = 1000
D3/3: Add new node: 4
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): node = 4 line = -2
D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/3:     angle = -2.444069
D3/3: dig_node_add_line(): line -2 added position 0
n_lines: 1 angle -2.444069
D3/3: dig_spidx_add_line(): line = 2
D3/3: Vect_read_next_line()
D3/3: V1_read_next_line_nat()
D3/3: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 134
2 primitives registered
0 areas built      0%
0 isles built
Number of nodes     :   4
Number of primitives:   2
Number of points    :   0
Number of lines     :   2
Number of boundaries:   0
Number of centroids :   0
Number of areas     :   0
Number of isles     :   0
D1/3: Vect_close(): name = gmltest5, mapset = maptest,
format = 0, level = 2
D1/3: V2_close_nat(): name = gmltest5 mapset= maptest
D1/3: get coor info:
D1/3: Info->size = 134, Info->mtime = 1073894000
D1/3: dig__write_head()
D1/3: write coor size (134) to head
D2/3: coor body offset 14
D1/3: Vect_get_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/3: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = gmltest5, mapset =
D1/3: dbln file:
D1/3: 1 gmltest5_1 cat
D1/3: 2 gmltest5_2 cat
D1/3: 3 gmltest5_3 cat
D1/3: Dblinks written
D2/3:   built = 4
D1/3: get coor info:
D1/3: Info->size = 134, Info->mtime = 1073894000
D1/3: Vect_save_topo()
D1/3: Open topo:
D2/3: topo body offset 142
D3/3: dig_Wr_P_node()
D3/3: dig_Wr_P_node()
D3/3: dig_Wr_P_node()
D3/3: dig_Wr_P_node()
D3/3: dig_Wr_P_line() line = 1
D3/3: dig_Wr_P_line() line = 2
D2/3: topo body offset 142
D1/3: Vect_save_spatial_index()
D1/3: Open sidx:
D3/3: spidx offset node = 0 line = 0, area = 0 isle =
D2/3: spidx body offset 42
D3/3: spidx offset node = 42 line = 194, area = 274
isle = 282
D2/3: spidx body offset 42

v.vect map=gmltest5
D3/3: V2_read_line_nat(): line = 1
D3/3: Vect__Read_line_nat: offset = 14
D3/3:     type = 2, do_cats = 1 dead = 0
D3/3:     n_points = 3
D3/3:     off = 74
D3/3: G_recreate_command()
D1/3: Vect_close(): name = gmltest5, mapset = maptest,
format = 0, level = 2
D1/3: V2_close_nat(): name = gmltest5 mapset= maptest
D2/3:   built = 4
using the v.info command to get info for the vetor
v.info gmltest5
D1/3: Vect_open_old(): name = gmltest5 mapset= maptest
update = 0
D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
D1/3: open format file: 'maptest/vector/gmltest5/frmt'
D1/3: Vector format: 0 (native)
D1/3: Level request = 2
D1/3: V2_open_old_nat(): name = gmltest5 mapset =
D1/3: Vect_open_topo(): name = gmltest5 mapset=
D1/3: get coor info:
D1/3: Info->size = 74, Info->mtime = 1073890750
D2/3: Topo header: file version 5.0 , supported from
GRASS version 5.0
D2/3:   byte order 0
D2/3:   header size 142
D2/3:   with_z 0
D2/3:   coor size 74
D1/3: Topo head: coor size = 74, coor mtime = 0
D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
D1/3: dig_load_plus()
D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
D2/3: Topo header: file version 5.0 , supported from
GRASS version 5.0
D2/3:   byte order 0
D2/3:   header size 142
D2/3:   with_z 0
D2/3:   coor size 74
D3/3: dig_Rd_P_node()
D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/3: dig_Rd_P_node()
D3/3: dig_node_alloc_line(): add = 1
D3/3: dig_Rd_P_line()
D3/3: dig_alloc_isle():
D1/3: Vect_open_spatial_index(): name = gmltest5
mapset= maptest
D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
D1/3: dig_read_spindx()
D1/3: dig_spidx_init()
D2/3: Sidx header: file version 5.0 , supported from
GRASS version 5.0
D2/3:   byte order 0
D2/3:   header size 42
D2/3:   with_z 0
D2/3:   coor size 74
D3/3: rtree_read_node()
D3/3: rtree_read_branch()
D3/3: rtree_read_branch()
D3/3: rtree_read_node()
D3/3: rtree_read_branch()
D3/3: rtree_read_node()
D3/3: rtree_read_node()
D2/3: Coor header: file version 5.0 , supported from
GRASS version 5.0
D2/3:   byte order 0
D2/3:   header size 14
D2/3:   with_z 0
D2/3:   coor size 74
D1/3: get coor info:
D1/3: Info->size = 74, Info->mtime = 1073890750
D1/3: coor size in head = 74, real coor file size= 74
D2/3: dig_file_load ()
D2/3:   requested mode = 2
D2/3:   size = 74
D2/3:   file was not loaded to the memory
D1/3: Vect__read_head(): vector = gmltest5 at maptest
D1/3: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/3: Vect_open_old(): vector opened on level 2
D1/3: Vect_read_dblinks(): map = gmltest5, mapset =
D1/3: dbln file:
D1/3: dbln: 1 gmltest5_1 cat
D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 1
D1/3: field = 1 name = (null), table = gmltest5_1, key
= cat, database =
D1/3: dbln: 2 gmltest5_2 cat
D3/3: Vect_check_dblink: field 2
D1/3: field = 2 name = (null), table = gmltest5_2, key
= cat, database =
D1/3: Dblinks read
D1/3: Vect_Rewind(): name = gmltest5

 | Layer:    gmltest5                      
Organization:                     |
 | Mapset:   maptest                        Source
Date:                      |
 | Location: spearfish                      Name of
creator:                  |
 | Database: /home/newgrass/                          
 | Title:                                             
 | Map Scale:  1:1                                    
 | Map format: native                                 

 |   Type of Map:  Vector (level: 2)                  
                       |    Number of points:       0 
             Number of    areas:      0          |
 |   Number of lines:        1               Number of
islands:    0          |
 |   Number of boundaries:   0               Number of
faces:      0          |
 |   Number of centroids:    0               Number of
kernels:    0          |
 |   Map is 3D:              0                        
 |   Number of dblinks:      2                        
 |   Projection: UTM (zone 13)                        
 |            N: 60.000        S: 50.000              
 |            E: 100.000       W: 0.000               
 |            B: 0.000          T: 0.000              
D1/3: Vect_get_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
 |   Digitize threshold: 0.00000                      
 |   Comments:                                        


1/3: Vect_close(): name = gmltest5, mapset = maptest,
format = 0, level = 2
D1/3: V2_close_nat(): name = gmltest5 mapset= maptest
D2/3:   built = 4
My question is: how can i resolv the problem, to
display the vector map in monitor.
Thanks advanced.

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