[GRASSLIST:3886] interrupted map projection in batch
White.Denis at epamail.epa.gov
White.Denis at epamail.epa.gov
Tue Jul 13 13:51:51 EDT 2004
I want to process raster data in latitude and longitude for the western
hemisphere with an interrupted map projection. The first step is to
clip the whole hemisphere raster layer into the north and south parts.
Then project each part with the same projection but different central
meridians. Then mosaic back together using the appropriate x offset to
get them to line up. The result should look like the 8 KB jpg attached.
I want to do this with a batch script because I have many maps.
I am a new GRASS user who had a little exposure about 12 years ago. I
think I see how to do the clipping with r.resample or r.mapcalc, the
projections with r.proj, and the mosaic with r.mapcalc, but I'm confused
about how to set up the new "location"s in a batch script. g.proj and
g.region would set up the region and projection, but do I have to set up
the directories like PERMANENT and files like WIND, etc. with shell
commands, or is there some GRASS command I haven't found that will do
I am testing this in Cygwin but will do the production work in Linux.
Thanks for any pointers.
Denis White
(See attached file: whemi.jpg)
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