[GRASSLIST:3979] Re: [GRASS5] [bug #2545] (grass) vect32 fails to build

Lorenzo Moretti lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it
Wed Jul 21 06:42:56 EDT 2004

>The patch below shows how I propose to fix this. I think 
>src/CMD/gmake.sh should be changed so that $(OBJARCH) is preprended 
>at the beginning of a path leading to a .o file rather than 
>immediately preceding the filename.
>i.e. Vlib/open.o becomes $(OBJARCH)/Vlib/open.o rather than 
>Vlib/$(OBJARCH)/open.o as at present.


Your patch resolve bug #2545 and bug #2547. Now is possible to create 

>This should fix things for both the alternate and gmake systems.
>It will also cause problems for badly written or non-standard 
>Gmakefiles. The only one I came across is for r3.null and I will fix 
>that by building r3.null and r3.mask from the same directory (cf. 
>r.mapcalc and r3.mapcalc are built from the same directory).

>But there might also be problems with non-standard Gmakefiles in 
>add-on modules people have written themselves I suppose. But 
>probably not very likely. So I just wanted to post this here for a 
>while for comments before committing the changes.
>The r.terraflow Gmakefile also needs fixed so it will work with both 
>build systems. It has a related but different problem with using 

Yes the only problem is in r3.null like you say...


||       Lorenzo Moretti        e-mail: lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it     
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