[GRASSLIST:3574] error running grass57

Didit Ahendra dee2t2001 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 2 05:53:32 EDT 2004

hi all,

I have some problem about my grass57 that I just
install on RedHat9.Before I have grass 5.0.0 installed
on my computer.
I just install binary code for GRASS 5.7 with command:
    -> sh grass57-DD-MM-YYYY-arch-install.sh

and there is successful.
I also install libraries that required and
  libpq (e.g. libpq3-7.3.4-2mdk.i586.rpm)
  proj (e.g. proj-4.4.7-1mdk.i586.rpm)
  libproj (e.g. libproj0-4.4.7-1mdk.i586.rpm) 
  libgdal(e.g. libgdal0-1.1.9-2mdk.i586.rpm)

tcl (e.g. tcl-8.3.3-21mdk.i586.rpm)
tk (e.g. tk-8.3.3-21mdk.i586.rpm)
gdal tools (e.g. gdal-1.1.9-2mdk.i586.rpm)
libfftw (e.g. libfftw2-2.1.5-2mdk.i586.rpm)
libgrass (e.g. libgrass5-1.0.0-1mdk.src.rpm)

but there is some error when I start my grass with
    -> grass57

and error like this:
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > Error in startup script: ps.map:
error while loading shared libraries: libgdal.so.1:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or
    while executing
"exec ps.map -p"
    (procedure "DmPrint::init" line 14)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "main" line 30)
    invoked from within
"main $argc $argv"
"/usr/local/grass57-22_05_2004/etc/dm/d.m.tcl" line

and if I execute grass command, error like this:
GRASS 5.7.-cvs:~ > g.list
g.list: error while loading shared libraries:
libgrass_gis.so: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory

what's wrong with my GRASS? anybody can help me
and how to uninstall GRASS 5.7?
thank's for your help before ;-)



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