[GRASSLIST:3746] Re: v.reclass in GRASS 57

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri Jun 25 04:41:21 EDT 2004

On Friday 25 June 2004 10:07, SWlab wrote:
> That solves only part of my problem, though:
> 1. the boundaries are not dissolved with v.reclass, when they are with
> v.extract. I expect 79 new categories (vs the initial 45657...), does this
> mean I'm stuck with creating 79 vector maps with v.extract, that I'll have
> to merge one way or the other ? What way, BTW ?

v.extract -d list=1-79 new=-1 
should do that in one step.

> 2. I end up with this:
> _____
> WARNING: For 14604 elements no new category was defined
> Building topology ...
> 116779 primitives registered
> 31131 areas built
> 992 isles built
> Topology was built.
> Number of nodes     :   86640
> Number of primitives:   116779
> Number of points    :   0
> Number of lines     :   0
> Number of boundaries:   85726
> Number of centroids :   31053
> Number of areas     :   31131
> Number of isles     :   992
> Number of areas without centroid :   78
> 31053 elments (sic) written
> _____
> in a nutshell, I'm missing roughly 40% of my expected output map (luckily,
> not in the zone I should deal with). The pb may come from the fact that I
> have to process a coverage initially e00, that flattened several layers of
> polygons and non-boundary lines, plus some non-centroid point features. 

I am not sure where is the problem, if any. Do you think there is a bug 
in GRASS or it comes from mixing of layers? Try to list available
layers (v.in.ogr -l) and import only those you need.

> Top of it, the 'new' v.in.ogr seems to dislike long (more than 10-12
> characters) category names: I end up naturally with several columns sharing
> the same truncated name, that I have to edit to get the right value for the
> right field (something changed from my march/april version of 5.7...). 

Not v.in.ogr but dbf driver (Shapefile library), 10 chars limit is 
DBF format limit, use real database like Postgres, for bigger datasets
it should be used anyway.


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