[GRASSLIST:3769] Re: v.reclass in GRASS 57

SWlab swlab at cornell.edu
Mon Jun 28 16:27:01 EDT 2004

> > 1. the boundaries are not dissolved with v.reclass,...
> No,
> v.extract -d list=1-79 new=-1
> should do that in one step.

Mmh: Radim, could you please explain me the difference bewteen new=-1, new=1 
and new=0 in v.extract ? I understand from the doc that new=-1 keeps the old 
category, but doesn't copy the attribute table (where's the point ? I have to 
reset the connection to another dbf manually ?), that new=1 set the new 
category to 1, without copying the table (how can I get the new table, then 
?), and that new=0 keeps the old category while copying the table

> > _____
> > WARNING: For 14604 elements no new category was defined
> > Building topology ...> > _____
> > in a nutshell, I'm missing roughly 40% of my expected output map
> > (luckily, not in the zone I should deal with). 
> I am not sure where is the problem, if any. 

Well, the command seem to process the first 40000 elements or so, but dosent' 
process the followings...

> Do you think there is a bug
> in GRASS or it comes from mixing of layers? Try to list available
> layers (v.in.ogr -l) and import only those you need.

I guess the issue comes from my data: I've been sent 1 huge 100Mb e00 files, 
merging several maps (an initial polygon map, (badly)cut into smaller pieces 
by the overlaying of several line maps), and I'm struggling with e00 
In GRASS5.3, m.in.e00 allowed a user to import whatever coverage, and to get a 
raster, or a vector. The pb was to deal with the numerous attributes (a lot 
of map.attribute files in dig_cats...). With a bit of perl, you could get all 
the attributes in one table, then transform this table in a dbf file. As long 
as you didn't have points along your polygons... With GRASS57beta, I needed 
to use avcimport to change from e00 to coverage, then run ogr2ogr to change 
from coverage to shapefiles, and import with v.in.ogr. Now, it seems that I 
can import my coverage directly (I still need to get it with avcimport), as 
long as the initial category names satisfy the 10character limit (limitation 
of the dbf driver, as Radim pointed out). OK, I can try to fiddle with 
ogr2ogr to get something in another driver... Thanks for you advices


Soil & Water Laboratory
Dept. of Biological & Environmental Engineering
Cornell University
ITHACA, NY 14853
Tel: (607)255.2463

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