[GRASSLIST:2987] Re: Import map from PostGIS

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri Mar 19 09:39:54 EST 2004

On Friday 19 March 2004 15:00, Leonardo Lami wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to import a vector from postgis but i have a problem.
> I readed the session "Generating vector geometry from PostGIS table" in the
> grass 5.7 tutorial but the example is valid only for a vector type point.
> If I use the command:
>   echo "select x(geo),y(geo),num from localizzazione" | db.select -c |
> v.in.ascii out=mitris
> the command doesn't work because the the format of the column "geo" is
> different in a linear vector.
> How can I do?
> I see that when I delete the map, also the PostGIS table would be deleted
> but it is not useful.
> Is possibile insert an option that can save the table in PostGIS when you
> delete a map linked to the table or something else to resolve it?

Why not v.in.ogr?


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