[GRASSLIST:4673] Re: Compiling Grass

David Bannon D.Bannon at vpac.org
Thu Oct 28 18:30:05 EDT 2004

Thanks Paul, you have clarified a couple of things for me.

> r.mapcalc is quite important; post the errors you are getting to the 
> developers' mailing list if  you need help getting it working.

Check, I assumed because it compile proceeded it was unnecessary. Will go
back to it and chase.

> >  ... gdal-config....
> It should come with GDAL when you install it. Have you installed GDAL 
> properly?

Yes, as far as I know. I'll have another look.

> You don't need GRASS support in GDAL. That is only if you 
> want GDAL to be 

That's an eye opener !

> > 5.3 install that affects the 5.7 ?
> You don't need to compile or install 5.3 to use 5.7. You just 
> need the 
> source code. The 5.7 CVS doesn't contain the source code for 
> those modules 
> that haven't changed between 5.3 and 5.7.

Right ! Now, does that mean that I should untar the source into the same
directory ? And in what order, first 5.3 and the overwrite with 5.7 ??

(Note, I'm not using the cvs of 5.7, it's the 'release' from the web site.

> Hope this points you in the right direction

Certainly going a long way towards it!


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