[GRASSLIST:6509] Re: r.water.outlet

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 17 00:34:40 EDT 2005

> I'm having trouble coming up with the drainage direction input for 
> r.water.outlet. The documentation indicates that the input should come
> from r.watershed but I'm working with large DEMs and r.watershed is
> too  slow.

try r.terraflow.

> It seems like I should be able to use flow direction from 
> r.fill.dir in AGNPS format but it doesn't work out. r.fill.dir
> produces  flow direction as 1-8 with 1 being North. R.water.outlet
> takes flow  direction input as 1-8 but I'm unsure of the if 1 is
> North. I suspect 1  is East but I'd appreciate any ideas.

see this thread as well:



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