[GRASSLIST:9487] aaargh! another location lost

Ian MacMillan Ian.MacMillan at pomona.edu
Wed Dec 14 20:06:43 EST 2005

Hi all, so I hate to write about this again, but somehow I have had 
another location erased while using imagery commands.  This is the 
second time this has happened to me.  I have a hard time narrowing down 
how it happened this time, but last time I was using i.points, and a 
location disappeared (~300 MB of data) (GRASSLIST 8827).  This time I 
couldn't pin down which imagery command did it (I can only pin it down 
to a 5 minute time frame), but I again encountered problems using 
i.points.  I tried to run the program, but got a 'false start' where 
after entering the imagery group in the pop-up terminal window, the 
terminal window disappeared, and i.points never started up.  Within 
minutes after this, I noticed that the target location had been erased 
(another ~500 MB down the drain).  Again, checking my bash_history, 
there is nothing there that would indicate a command that would do 
this.  I have also checked my whole computer for this location (or any 
files in it), to no avail.

I am running 6.1cvs (Dec-12 Lorenzo's binaries) on mac 10.3.9.

I can't understand what can be happening.  I have tried repeating my 
steps exactly, and can not get the same error in the program to occur.  
I have no idea how to isolate the issue at all.  I have had no other 
troubles with this computer in 1.5 years of use, it has plenty of 
memory, and runs really smooth (like most macs).

This is really strange behavior obviously, but very troublesome to me 
since it has happened twice now, though with slightly different causes.

I have no idea how to test for this behavior, and looking at the 
responses from last time, I am not sure how they could necessarily 
result in this behavior multiple times.  Any other ideas out there?


PS I know I need to back up data, and I do, but this is still 

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