[GRASSLIST:5618] Re: raster reprojection

samuel cavalcante rioapaporis at yahoo.com.br
Wed Feb 2 14:02:08 EST 2005

well, it worked but i have still a question about..
how i set the resolution of the new location to fit the original raster resolution? the way of describe the resolution in the process of creating a new location is quite different of that displayed when i run g.region or r.info (both in the original location)...
thanks in advance

Ian MacMillan <ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu> wrote:
If you have imported your raster into location 1, then exit that 
location. Open up location 2 (your desired projection) and set your 
region to match the incoming raster with g.region w= e= s= n=
Following this, use r.proj in location 2 to bring in your raster from 
location 1. This is different only if location 1 is an XY location 
(without projection info). If so, write back and let us know, or look 
at the mail archives.


On Jan 31, 2005, at 8:02 AM, samuel cavalcante wrote:

> hi ,
> what i have to do to reproject a raster that is in a different 
> projection  to current location´s projection?
> i have to quit the location an then import this raster in another 
> location whith the desired projection?
> thanks
> samuel
> Radim Blazek wrote:
> For me it works.
> v.mkgrid map=pok grid=3,2 position=region
> v.extract input=pok output=pok2 type=area list=4
> ...
> Number of boundaries: 8
> Number of centroids : 1
> ...
> Radim
> Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> > Radim,
> >
> > Thanks for the idea... but doing v.extract type=area leaves me with 
> only the
> > centroids for each grid cell...
> >
> > is there anyway to convert a set of line segments into a polygon?
> >
> > thanks!
> >
> > Dylan
> >
> > On Thursday 27 January 2005 12:14 am, Radim Blazek wrote:
> >
> >>Use v.extract type=area
> >>
> >>Radim
> >>
> >>Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> >>
> >>>On Wednesday 26 January 2005 06:09 pm, Hamish wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>>I have used v.mkgrid (GRASS6-CVS) in the past to make vector 
> grids,
> >>>>>and all has been well.
> >>>>
> >>>>..
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>However, this morning I tried to extract a single square from the
> >>>>>output from v.mkgrid, and was only able to get either a single
> >>>>>centroid (almost correct), or the entire boundary (not good). 
> Since
> >>>>>the boundaries do not have CATs, there is no way for me to 
> extract a
> >>>>>single boundary...
> >>>>
> >>>>..
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Any ideas?
> >>>>
> >>>>what about
> >>>>
> >>>> v.category type=boundary option=add
> >>>>
> >>>>to add category numbers to the boundaries?
> >>>
> >>>Thanks! ... this gives the boundaries CATs... but for some reason, 
> each
> >>>grid square is made up of about 8 line segments (3 for top and 
> bottom
> >>>lines, 1 for each vertical line)...
> >>>
> >>>My hope is that i can make each grid "cell" into a discreet 
> polygon, that
> >>>can be used to set the region -- i.e. so that i can accurately 
> subsample
> >>>a larger map.
> >>>
> >>>thanks!
> >
> >t;
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