[GRASSLIST:5799] Re: v.in.e00 import error

Lorenzo Moretti lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it
Wed Feb 16 05:29:17 EST 2005


>On Tue, February 15, 2005 18:14, Giacomo Bertoldi said:
>>  Hi,
>>  I would like to import a e00 file, but i got the error:
>>  v.in.e00 -v file=/Users/giacomo/Desktop/Finland/20688/dnpoint.e00
>>  type=point vect=dnpoint
>>  E00 ASCII found and converted to Arc Coverage in current directory
>>  Importing...
>>  ERROR: Cannot open data source
>>  An error occurred. Stop.
>>  I'm sure that the path and permissions are correct.
>>  I'm using the GRASS 6.0.CVS version with binaries for Mac X compiled by
>>  Lorenzo Moretti with version date 050212.
>I have had the same problem on Debian. Markus traced the problem down to the
>avcimport program (which is used in v.in.e00). When I launch it creates a
>coverage directory, but the file within it is tiny and is thus not correct.
>I have tried recompiling avcimport but this does not solve the problem. I have
>already sent a mail to avcimport's author, but haven't received any reply from
>I would be interesting to see if there are some files for which it works and
>others for which it doesn't. That might allow us to identify the problem.

Yes. In grass 6.0 v.in.e00 doesn't work.
Now it's possible to import e00 files only in Grass 5.4.0 (in OSX 
it's in my GRASS GIS COMLETE package). In Grass 5.4.0 there was a 
program to import m.in.e00 all inside grass. This module worked very 
well because it was completed with many features.

Now that module is out in g6 and e00 format is imported with v.in.ogr 
but there are many problems.
The presence of two external software (http://avce00.maptools.org/) 
compiled on any platform: avcimport and e00conv. I have discovered 
this reading v.in.ogr help and the script v.in.e00 (it's inside 
scripts folder): it's much more complicated than old 5.4.0.

This script convert e00 file to coverage (avcimport) or uncompressed 
and convert (e00conv+avcimport). This script has a check for the 
presence of these 2 software but I have not these 2 sw and v.in.e00 
don't say me the error. After it use v.in.ogr for importing in Grass.
This script doesn't work.

Now I have recompiled from source these 2 software (avcimport and 
e00conv) and I have tested them.
I have converted my e00 before with this command:
% avcimport  /myfilepoint.e00 /coverage
it creates 2 folder:
coverage with 6 .adf files inside: bnd lab pat prj tic tol;
info with 7 files inside: arc.dir arc0000.dat arc0000.nit arc0001.dat 
arc0001.nit arc0002.dat arc000.nit.

This is an Arc/Info Coverage complete with all files and from ogr 
manual this format would be imported....

Now in grass I enter:
% v.in.ogr -o dsn=/coverage layer=LAB type=point outuput=teste00

Nothing: it's always the same error (with many methods there is 
always this error)
  - Cannot open data source

Now I suspect in v.in.ogr the error but I don't know.

The old bin m.in.e00 worked very well for me and it was much more 
easy and completed.

The choices are 2:
1 - fixing v.in.e00/avcimport/e00conv/v.in.ogr method;
2 - porting old 5.4 bin to 6.0 (in TODO).

The second choice is more completed and about the first I didn't see 
the output.


||      Lorenzo Moretti        e-mail: lorenzo.moretti at bologna.enea.it     
||/|/|  ENEA prot/idr          Web: http://wwwamb.bologna.enea.it/    
||   |  via Don Fiammelli, 2   FTP: ftp://ftpamb.bologna.enea.it/ (ris.)
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