[GRASSLIST:5919] Re: 6.0.0beta2 configure failure

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 27 16:11:37 EST 2005

>    I seem stuck in an infinite loop here. Two problems configuring the
>    build:
>    1) For some reason, the script cannot locate the readline library
>    (which
> is installed). Is readline necessary for this version? If so, should I
> specify /usr/lib as the path on the --with-readline line?

Redhat/Fedora? there is a problem there.
Missing readline isn't a big deal, only used by r.mapcalc I think.
Don't worry about it, just leave off --with-readline.
see  http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.grass.user/1000
/usr/lib (or anything in /etc/ld.co.conf) is default search path.

>    2) The serious problem is that building GRASS with gdal support
>    wants the
> gdal path. But, building gdal with GRASS support wants the GRASS path.
> Something's gotta' give. What are folks doing about this lock
> condition?

Build GDAL without GRASS support. This is for when you would like GDAL
to read GRASS maps without actually having GRASS installed. You can
compile the plugin later if needed (eg for QGIS or Mapserver).

> However, despite installing fftw-3.0.1 the configure script will not
> find the proper libraries. So I disabled this feature.

GRASS requires fftw 2.x not 3.x, until we have a volunteer to update the
code. see REQUIREMENTS.html.

In general, look at the end of config.log to see what the exact problems


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