[GRASSLIST:5479] GRASS raster to ArcGIS?

William W. Hargrove hnw at fire.esd.ornl.gov
Fri Jan 21 18:07:29 EST 2005

A colleague with whom I've tried to exchange a tarfile of a GRASS mapset
says that the venerable old GISDBASE env variable/"imagegrid" method of
transferring files no longer seems to work with the new ArcGIS (and this is
all that he has).

If true, ESRI has actually *removed* functionality with this latest product.

Can anyone verify or correct this?

Any other suggestions for GRASS raster to Arc grid transfers?


Bill H.

William W. Hargrove                     hnw at fire.esd.ornl.gov
Environmental Sciences Division         (865) 241-2748
Oak Ridge National Laboratory           (865) 574-4665 (fax)
P.O. Box 2008, M.S. 6407                http://research.esd.ornl.gov/~hnw
Oak Ridge, TN  37830-6407               FedEx/UPS, use "Bethel Valley Rd."

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