[GRASSLIST:5572] Re: raster reprojection lambert azimutal to lat-lon

Ian MacMillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Mon Jan 31 18:40:51 EST 2005

I am not sure what the problem is, but I think this solution (hack) may 
work until you find the real problem.  In location 2, set your region 
to the size of the northwestern hemisphere with g.region n=90 s=0 e=0 
w=-180 res=00:30:00

You want a really high resolution so that this initial projection goes 
fast.  Once this is done, use r.proj to bring in your file.  It should 
show up as a few pixels.  Zoom into an area just outside of these 
pixels with d.zoom.  Erase the file with g.remove rast=your_map.  Set 
your region resolution to something more appropriate with g.region 
res=00:00:03 (or whatever) and then use r.proj again.  Your map should 
come in fine.


On Jan 31, 2005, at 3:21 PM, Miguel A. Altamirano del C wrote:

> I've an ETOP30 subproduct with "lambert azimutal equal
> area" projection which a get in "location 1", the file
> WIND generate has the following information:
> proj:       4
> zone:       1
> north:      4384500
> south:      -3999500
> east:       4639500
> west:       -4462500
> cols:       9102
> rows:       8384
> When a try to change of projection (to lat-lon) in
> "location 2" setting my region to match the incoming
> raster with g.region w=-137.8 e=-63.2 s=10 n=80 with
> the following information in the WIND file:
> proj:       3
> zone:       1
> north:      80
> south:      10
> east:       -63.2
> west:       -137.8
> cols:       9102
> rows:       8384
> e-w resol:  0.008196
> n-s resol:  0.00834924
> i get the following error:
> r.proj  in=altura_00 location=grasspru2
> mapset=PERMANENT dbase=/home/miguel/GRASS/ out=kk00
> Input Projection Parameters: +proj=laea +a=6378137
> +rf=298.257223563 +no_defs +nadgrids=conus
> Input Unit Factor: 1
> Output Projection Parameters: +proj=latlong +a=6378137
> +rf=298.257223563 +no_defs +nadgrids=conus
> Output Unit Factor: 1
> ERROR: Input map is outside current region
> How i can do the change in projection correctly??
> The PROJ_INFO in location 1 has
> name: laea
> datum: WGS84
> nadgrids: conus
> proj: laea
> ellps: WGS84
> a: 6370997.
> es: 0.0067686580
> f: 294.9786982000
> zone: 1
> and in the location 2 has
> name: ltln
> datum: WGS84
> nadgrids: conus
> proj: ll
> ellps: WGS84
> a: 6378206.4000000004
> es: 0.0067686580
> f: 294.9786982000
> zone: 1
> I'm working in the version 6.0 beta1.
> =====
> LCA Miguel A. Altamirano del C.
> "Los Mexicanos llevamos la fiesta en la garganta"
> Tel. 01(232)32 45208
> La belleza de la meteorología radica en saber
> pronosticarla y no simplemente en estudiarla
>       (Miguel A. Altamirano 28-5-00)
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