[GRASSLIST:7419] Re: silly question?
Maciek Sieczka
werchowyna at epf.pl
Fri Jul 1 16:28:52 EDT 2005
From: "M S" <mseibel at gmail.com>
I can't help you much with all your troubles, but as to v.digit - if you are
thinking of serious and reliable digitizing Grass vectors go for QGIS. As
you have maybe read before on the list, v.digit is unstable and may give a
hard time. Also, you cannot pan and zoom the same time you digitize, which
is a pain.
1. Build QGIS --with-grass (choose 0.7rc, 0.6 is worse).
2. Create a new layer in Grass using v.digit. Quit v.digit.
3. QGIS: "add grass vector layer", "edit grass vector layer"
4. Fairly smililar interface but better - F keys mapped to functions,
panning (toolbar and "space" key) and zooming (toolbar and mouse wheel)
during digitizing. Right click to stop zoom/pan, another one to stop
digitizing. More functional attributes support. And works *stable* (at least
for me).
5. What's more, to use grass raster for backdrop map, GDAL has to be
built --with-grass (doable but a pain - first build and install GDAL, then
GRASS, then GDAL --with-grass). A separate gdal-grass plugin is also
possible, but I never managed to build it and nobody answered my post to
gdal-dev asking for help 4 days ago; though I know others are using it.
That might be a pain for a newbie to build it all at first. But if I did it
then anybody can :). Anyway, first take a week off ;).
Good luck with GRASS.
> I've been an <GASP> E$RI arc/info workstation user for 10+ years, and
> i'm finally (successfully) jumping ship. from what i read, i see,
> GRASS can do everything workstation can, not to mention its
> plug-ability with Quantum GIS and other open source software.
> Does anyone know if there has ever been a document created that is
> somewhat of a HOWTO in a GRASS approach from a workstation mindset?
> The biggest stumbling block for me was, believe it or not, setting up
> the GISDBASE, LOCATION & MAPSET. once i got that understood stuff
> started falling into place for me.
> In other words, is there some document that illustrates tasks
> performed in workstation with corrisponding commands document of how
> to do the same procedures in GRASS? Also, is there a more thorough
> explanation of what v.digit can do other than
> http://grass.itc.it/gdp/html_grass5/html/v.digit.html ? v.digit seems
> quite powerful, and i compare it to ArcEdit (by nature of being
> schooled in the "workstation" approach to GIS). I recognize i can and
> should RTFM, but being so ingrained in that OTHER software's approach,
> it often messes with my thought process, as i often try to relate
> commands from one software's approach to another, which is probably
> not the best thing to do.
> some examples are:
> digitizing/editing topologic vector data
> rectifying images
> working with GIS vector database attributes (i.e. table manipulation
> and changing attributes)
> overlaying vector data with attribute information
> cut/fill operations
> cartographic operations for hardcopy maps
> Its probably a silly question. But often times i find my self saying
> "i know how to do this in workstation, I know GRASS can do this, but
> how do i proceed?"
> anyone else out there transition from that OTHER software company to
> GRASS? and what was the best way you handled the migration? I cant
> totally throw out everything i know about workstation, but cause the
> concepts are the same. its the specific commands and methodology that
> often have my head spinning...
> cheers to all users and developers! GRASS is an amazing piece of GIS
> software!
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