[GRASSLIST:7650] R Stats and GRASS primer (wanted)

Dave Sampson gis at watersheds.ca
Wed Jul 20 17:54:28 EDT 2005

Even before I can finish my current project I'm looking to the future.

I would like to gather some resources on combining R stats and GRASS. I 
found tutorial from a while ago at
not sure if all the commands are still relavent or if the datasets they 
use still exist. as its older version of GRASS and R

I wouldn't mind if people submitted more samples of how they used R 
Stats and GRASS. If they are examples on spearfish data that is even 
better because we all have it.


|Dave Sampson: Geographic Information System (GIS) Technician	|
|								|
|Centre for Sustainable Watersheds				|
|Cooperative Approaches to Protect Canada's Water Resources	|
|								|
|14 Water St, P.O Box 280. Portland Ontario, Canada. K0G 1V0	|
|Lat: 44.700	Long: -76.19					|
|www.watersheds.ca		gis at watersheds.ca		|

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