[GRASSLIST:8960] Re: GRASS 6 in a nutshell tutorial

Luigi Ponti lponti at infinito.it
Wed Nov 9 14:10:12 EST 2005

Thanks Ian,

I got the vector .shp outline of the state from the California Spatial 
Information Library http://gis.ca.gov/index.epl since the one you 
recemmended me on http://data.geocomm.com/ was in .e00 format and GRASS 
would not import it directly.

The DEM I got it from NOAA/GLOBE 
http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/topo/globe.html where you can customize 
your download area as opposed to the DEM on http://seamless.usgs.gov 
that has to be downloaded in small pieces.

I have imported both the vector and the raster with minimum trouble, 
since the first has a .prj file which GRASS recognized, and the second 
had a detailed import tutorial in the cygwin-GRASS install page. 
However, despite the fact the the two layers supposedly have the same 
NAD83 projection info (I did not enter anything manually), when I try to 
display them together on a GRASS monitor, the state layout is in the 
middle of the ocean compared to the elevation raster.

Is there a way to overlap the two layers or to chek for a coordinate error?



Ian MacMillan wrote:

> Luigi, I am not sure about your manual problems, but you can grab 
> data  of California from several location for free.  Try  
> http://data.geocomm.com/ for a vector outline of the state.  You have  
> to create an account on that site, but it is free, and they have a 
> lot  of useful data.
> The best DEM of the state can be had from the USGS seamless server  
> here: http://seamless.usgs.gov.  DEMs of a variety of resolutions are  
> available there.
> If you have already imported data and can't view it, have you made 
> sure  to set your region?
> g.region rast=your_rast
> or
> g.region vect=your_vect
> then
> d.rast rast=your_rast
> Hope this helps,
> Ian
> On Nov 3, 2005, at 3:58 PM, Luigi Ponti wrote:
>> Markus Neteler wrote:
>>> Luigi Ponti wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> while going through the Neteler's GRASS 6 in a nutshell tutorial I  
>>>> get
>>>> the message:
>>>> "Cannot open database
>>>> /home/Administrator/grassdata/spearfish60/user1/dbf/ by driver dbf"
>>>> when at section 3.1.2. I try to import vector ESRI SHAPE files form
>>>> the package tiger2000_UTM13_nad27.tar.gz, via the "import various
>>>> formats using ogr" option in the GIS manager.
>>>> Does anybody know what the problem could be?
>>>> Thanks,
>>> Luigi,
>>> please check if the directory
>>> /home/Administrator/grassdata/spearfish60/user1/dbf/
>>> exists. If not, please create it. From current GRASS 6.1-CVS 
>>> onwards  the
>>> dbf/ directory in the current
>>> mapset is created automatically.
>>> Hope this helps
>>> Markus
>> Thanks Markus,
>> It worked out perfectly fine.
>> Now I would need to create my own location with a state boundary and  
>> an elevation model for California (this would provide the basis to 
>> map  the output of my ecological model --reminder). Does anybody know 
>> if  there is online files available for download that would allow me 
>> to  accomplish such task? I have been trying to do this by OGR 
>> importing  ESRI .shp files from http://gis.ca.gov/ into a location 
>> with  projection based on .prj file content, but the new layer does 
>> not show  up in the monitor. Any hints?
>> Also when I try to access GRASS help, the following message shows up:
>> "help /usr/local/grass6.0.0/scripts/g.manual: line 71: iexplore:  
>> command not found".
>> Is it that GRASS cannot find the browser?
>> Finally, when trying to access the man version via "g.manual -m  
>> d.rast", the shell says:
>> "fopen: No such file or directory
>> Cannot open man page  
>> /home/Administrator/C:\cygwin/usr/local/grass6.0.0/man/man1/ d.rast.1.gz
>> No manual entry for C:\cygwin/usr/local/grass6.0.0/man/man1/d.rast.1".
>> Is there any fix to this?
>> Ciao,
>> Luigi
> >
> >
> What happens if a big asteroid hits Earth? Judging from realistic  
> simulations involving a sledge hammer and a common laboratory frog, 
> we  can assume it will be pretty bad.
>  - Dave Barry
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