[GRASSLIST:9004] Re: v.in.ascii error

Tiago Salgueiro 1010664 at isep.ipp.pt
Fri Nov 11 09:25:16 EST 2005

Ok finally I see something...

Is not possible to see a 3D map with colours??
What I want is obtain a 3D map starting by a table of points x, y ,z. Is
it possible with GRASS?


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu [mailto:owner-GRASSLIST at baylor.edu] On
Behalf Of Eva L. Hulse
Sent: quinta-feira, 10 de Novembro de 2005 20:56
To: 1010664 at isep.ipp.pt
Cc: grasslist at baylor.edu
Subject: [GRASSLIST:8988] Re: v.in.ascii error

You don't have to worry about most of those fields.  You can just do:

g.region vect=testar1_out


Tiago Salgueiro wrote:
> I think it works because now I didn't got any error.
> But I don't know how to see the map. I tryed g.region but I don't know
> what to put in all fields... Can you help?
> Thanks!
> Tiago

Eva L. Hulse
PhD Student
University at Buffalo Anthropology Department evahulse at buffalo.edu

Cumprimentos/Best Regards,

Tiago Salgueiro

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