[GRASSLIST:9005] Re: v.in.ascii error
Eva L. Hulse
evahulse at buffalo.edu
Fri Nov 11 10:58:50 EST 2005
for a 3D map with colors, you need to do 2 more things:
1) Create a continuous raster from your vector z-values with v.surf.rst.
For example:
v.surf.rst input=testar1_out layer=0 dmax=2.500000 dmin=0.500000
elev=my3Dsurface zmult=1.0 tension=40 segmax=100 npmin=200
Name of the vector file with input data: <your_vector>
Field value: 0
Maximum distance between points on isoline: use default value to start
with. You can try different numbers.
Minimum distance between points on isoline: use default value to start
with. You can try different numbers.
Output surface raster file (elevation): my_new_3D_surface
Conversion factor for interpolated values: 1.0 (default)
Tension: 40 (default). You can try different numbers.
Max number of points in segment: Use a number equal to or larger than
the number of points in your file.
Min number of points for interpolation: Use a number larger than "max
number of points in segment"
2) Use NVIZ to view your new raster map
nviz elevation=my3Dsurface
You will want to adjust the relative size of the z-values in the control
panel, probably.
Tiago Salgueiro wrote:
> Ok finally I see something...
> Is not possible to see a 3D map with colours??
> What I want is obtain a 3D map starting by a table of points x, y ,z. Is
> it possible with GRASS?
> Thanks!
> Tiago
Eva L. Hulse
PhD Student
University at Buffalo Anthropology Department
evahulse at buffalo.edu
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