[GRASSLIST:8729] Re: r.reclass not working in GUI

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Fri Oct 21 09:35:39 EDT 2005

Patton, Eric wrote:

> I have the same problem as Carlos, in that some programs when run from the
> GUI don't spawn an xterm....such as g.mremove, where it asks for
> confirmation after collecting file names to be removed. I was going to apply
> the fix you mentioned in your response, however ls -al doesn't show anything
> resembling ld.so.conf in /etc/. 
> I'm using Cygwin on XP....so would ld.so.conf be located somewhere else? 

The setuid xterm issue doesn't apply to Cygwin.

g.mremove is never run in a terminal; if you are using it from the
GUI, you will have to enable the "force removal" option, as there's no
way to respond to the prompt.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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