[GRASSLIST:8219] Re: libgrass_gmath.so error on startup (FC4)

Chris Bennett chris_bennett at comcast.net
Thu Sep 8 22:00:15 EDT 2005

Michele:  libgrass_gmath.so is found in 
/usr/local/grass-6.0.1/lib/libgrass_gmath.so which is the install directory.

Tom:  My configure command is
CFLAGS=-O2 ./configure --with-postgres-includes=/usr/local/pgsql/include 

which results in
 C compiler:                  gcc -O2
 C++ compiler:
 FORTRAN compiler:
 Building shared libraries:   yes

  NVIZ:                       yes

  X11 support:                yes
  JPEG support:               yes
  TIFF support:               yes
  PNG support:                yes
  Tcl/Tk support:             yes
  PostgreSQL support:         yes
  MySQL support:              no
  OpenGL(R) support:          yes
  ODBC support:               no
  FFTW support:               yes
  BLAS support:               no
  LAPACK support:             no
  Motif support:              no
  FreeType support:           no
  GLw support:                no
  NLS support:                no
  Readline support:           no
  C++ support:                no
  openDWG support:            no
  GDAL support:               yes
  OGR support:                yes

It does seem kinda strange that C++ support is off by default.  Should 
that be turned on?

Thanks all.


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