[GRASSLIST:8261] Re: i.ortho.photo cant select existing imagery group

Hartmut lada2hell at yahoo.de
Tue Sep 13 13:08:56 EDT 2005

>> yes, but in this case the old, cmd-line version of
>> i.group simply selected the group for rectification.
> I don't understand that. Which version of GRASS are you using? Which
> version of GRASS do you mean by "old version"?
actual version: GRASS 6.1.cvs (2005)  last update: 2005 Sep  6
"old" version:  GRASS 5.5-cvs (2004)

> GRASS> i.ortho.photo
> what happens next?

the term gets cleared and soon the main menu appears:

i.ortho.photo --        Imagery Group = 57-207_1210-4

Initialization Options:

    1.     Select/Modify imagery group
    2.     Select/Modify imagery group target
    3.     Select/Modify target elevation model

> you should see:
> Enter imagery group for ortho-rectification
> Enter 'list' for a list of existing imagery groups
> Enter 'list -f' for a verbose listing
> Hit RETURN to cancel request

Have never seen this, neither in Grass6 nor Grass5.
In Grass5, my 1st step always was (1.) in order to
select the group.
Since which version should i.ortho.photo ask for the
group? Maybe my cvs-archive is messy...


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