[GRASS-user] 360 degree view from a given point

Ludwig Max Brinckmann ludwigbrinckmann at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 18:22:31 EDT 2006

I had a quick play with this and with a bit of fiddling with the nviz
controls I at least managed to get a view of something that could be my 360
degree view.
Than I saved this as a 3d.view file, which looks like this:

# 4.01
PGM_ID: Nvision-ALPHA!
north: 22.200000
south: 22.100000
east: 105.100000
west: 105.000000
rows: 120
cols: 120
TO_EASTING: 105.041183
TO_NORTHING: 22.117983
TO_HEIGHT: 66.926193
FROM_EASTING: 105.220001
FROM_NORTHING: 21.980000
FROM_HEIGHT: 2024.140015
Z_EXAG: 0.000010
TWIST: 0.000000
FIELD_VIEW: 359.000000
BG_COL: black
GRID_COL: white
LIGHTPOS: 0.296000 -0.344000 0.580000 0.000000
LIGHTCOL: 0.320000 0.592000 0.616000
SHINE: 32.000000

My idea was to take this file as a template and insert my on-the-fly
parameters and run nivz like this

nviz elevation=DEM state=statefile

to get the image I want. But as the first thing is that Grass does not like
the file it has saved, and throws out lots of error messages, like this

Diagnostic: invalid command name "Nviz_# 4.01_load" --  Load procedure for
panel # 4.01 may not be defined
Diagnostic: invalid command name "Nviz_PGM_ID: Nvision-ALPHA!_load" --  Load
procedure for panel PGM_ID: Nvision-ALPHA! may not be defined
Diagnostic: invalid command name "Nviz_north: 22.200000_load" --  Load
procedure for panel north: 22.200000 may not be defined
Diagnostic: invalid command name "Nviz_south: 22.100000_load" --  Load
procedure for panel south: 22.100000 may not be defined
Diagnostic: invalid command name "Nviz_east: 105.100000_load" --  Load
procedure for panel east: 105.100000 may not be defined
Diagnostic: invalid command name "Nviz_west: 105.000000_load" --  Load
procedure for panel west: 105.000000 may not be defined
Diagnostic: invalid command name "Nviz_rows: 120_load" --  Load procedure
for panel rows: 120 may not be defined
... (more one for every line)

So NVIZ does not really understand its own file format, yet loading the
file from the GUI does not throw out all these error messages, but does not
exactly recreate my view either.

Plus: is there a way to make nviz save the view from as an image from the
command line? The tiff file I can output via the GUI would be good enough
with some post-processing with one of the many image programs...

I have just tested this on XP, with Grass version
grass-6.1.cvs-i686-pc-cygwin-13_02_2006, so if anybody thinks this is a
version or platform issue, give me a shout.


On 7/2/06, Paul Kelly <paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello Ludwig
> On Sun, 2 Jul 2006, Ludwig Max Brinckmann wrote:
> > Just had a quick look through the old manual pages, so I guess it might
> do
> > the trick.
> > Does anybody have an idea how much porting effort is involved? What is
> the
> > reason it is not maintained?
> As far I remember the two different versions (cmd and inter - command-line
> and interactive) had slightly different functionality but the code was all
> mixed up together (i.e. not in separate cmd and inter directories as in
> other
> pre-GRASS 6 modules) and some was shared and some separate. It would be a
> lot of work to merge it all cleanly into one definitive set of
> functionality.
> Might not be quite as much work work to get *most* of the functionality
> ported.
> Bob Covill has added support to NVIZ for setting an explicit viewer
> location and centre of view, and for saving this as a 3d.view file in the
> GRASS database - I think this works now but I have never tested it.
> Before this was added, and if you didn't have access to a Silicon Graphics
> machine to run SG3d on, d.3d was the only choice if you wanted fine
> control (by typing in co-ordinates and angles etc; not using the mouse)
> over the 3-D view parameters.
> FWIW SG3d was quite amazing and years ahead of its time; still has some
> features that (as far as I'm aware) aren't in NVIZ such as projecting a
> global Lat-long location onto a sphere.
> Paul
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