[GRASS-user] Grass tolology

Sudipta Sarkar ssarkar at forestone.com
Fri Jul 14 16:03:23 EDT 2006

Dear Grass Users,
My question is simple and fundamental. I intend to import shapefiles 
into grass and clean them and then export them back. The shapefiles may  
have topological problems like overlapping adjacent polygons, gap 
between the polygons etc. I know in grass we can import shapefiles using 
v.in.ogr and then do a more rigorous cleaning using v.clean but I am not 
sure as to which combination of tools to use in v.clean and in what 
optimal order!! All my attempts so far has led to erroneous results. Can 
anyone suggest an optimal scheme of doing topological correction in 
grass and what thresholds to use for these different tools withing 
v.clean? My shapefiles have linear units in meters.
Any help will be appreciated.
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