[GRASS-user] Newbie question on g.region

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 9 05:24:47 EDT 2006

> My ultimate goal for GRASS is to do viewshed analysis with r.los. I
> have downloaded NED files from the USGS seamless website. I have also
> managed to convert the .adf file to geotiff using gdal_translate.

Can't you download NED data directly as GeoTIFF?

Some hints:

r.los doesn't scale well at all. Download "r.cva" (install with GRASS GEM?)
and use that instead if you can.

Also see hints on r.sun and r.sunmask page.

> My problem concerns starting up GRASS. When I try to run r.in.gdal, I 
> get an error message regarding the default region is not set. I gather 
> I'm not initializing GRASS properly.

g.setproj ?

g.region -p ?

r.in.gdal -o ?

good luck,

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