[GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: Could open text file ~ 2.5GB

Patton, Eric epatton at nrcan.gc.ca
Fri Oct 20 07:08:45 EDT 2006

That's odd, then. Glynn mentioned that LFS hadn't been implemented in
r.in.xyz (yesterday). The data I was working with had positive z values
instead of negative (it's bathymetry), so I tried using awk on my z column,
but awk choked on the file as well. So I seem to be running into OS system
limits, maybe? I split the file into three chunks, and r.in.xyz/awk ran
smoothly from there on. 

~ Eric.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Perdue
To: Patton, Eric
Cc: GRASS Users
Sent: 10/19/2006 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] r.in.xyz: Could open text file ~ 2.5GB


Have you tried running an identical command on a small sub sample of  
your data?

Personally, I haven't had any LFS support problems with r.in.xyz.  
This included scanning a text file for extents as your trying to do.  
After the initial thread was started with respect to r.in.xyz's LFS I  
went back and checked some of the test data sets that I have. They're  
all beyond the 2GB limit (3.7GB is the largest i've tested so far)  
and I haven't had any problems with the program. As far as I can see,  
the only thing I have noticed that is different with a file beyond  
the 2 gig size is that the progress indicator never comes up. I think  
most people can live with that. I have a 500 million point dataset  
that I'm trying to get out of las binary format right now. When  
that's done I'll pass that through r.in.xyz and report how that goes.  
I figure it'll be around 15GB in size, so if that doesn't trip up  
r.in.xyz then I don't think anything will.



On 19-Oct-06, at 11:19 AM, Patton, Eric wrote:

> I'm trying to open a text file to scan for extents:
> r.in.xyz -s input=2006MB_GarryTrough_1N.txt  
> output=2006MB_GarryTrough_1N
> method=mean type=FCELL fs=space  x=1 y=2 z=3 percent=100
> Could not open input file
> </home/epatton/Projects/Whalen/PERMANENT/WORK/ 
> 2006MB_GarryTrough_1N.txt>.
> I get the same error regardless of what percent parameter is set to  
> (60, 40,
> 10). Is this an LFS problem with r.in.xyz?
> ~ Eric.
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