[winGRASS] Re: [GRASS-user] Re: Cygwin winGRASS 6.2 Errors! [SUCESS}

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Feb 15 07:01:37 EST 2007

Hamish wrote:

> Hamish wrote:
> > > > $ grass62
> > > > # GUI Startup
> > > > # select spearfish
> > > > # gis.m starts up but then crashes:
> > > > ...
> > > > GRASS 6.2.1 (spearfish60):~ > child process exited abnormally
> got it!
> $ cygcheck g.region
> shows that the fftw3 DLL couldn't be found.
> $ cygcheck i.pca
> shows that the jasper (JPEG 2000) DLL couldn't be found.
> So restart the cygwin installer & install those two packages (they can
> be found in the Libs section) and all modules work. (including NVIZ,
> which isn't surprising, but it always is)
> so fftw3 and jasper need to make it into setup.ini. I suppose jasper
> belongs in gdal's entry? 

Yes; you could theoretically use a different version of GDAL which
didn't need Jasper. GRASS itself won't need it.

I suggest explicitly adding *all* of the GDAL dependencies to GDAL's
requires: line in setup.ini. If you are missing any of them, GDAL
won't work and GRASS will be almost completely non-functional.

Additionally, I can re-compile GDAL with fewer dependencies if
desired. IIRC, GDAL automatically enables everything it can find,
which can be a nuisance if you're building for distribution.

As for GRASS' own requires: line, I'd stick with what is required by
the core libraries (libgis, libgproj, libvect, etc), rather than
forcing people to download lots of packages which are only required
for modules which they don't intend to use.

However, we should probably put a note on the download page about
using cygcheck to check for missing DLLs if specific programs silently

> any reason you used such an old GDAL version?

I built it from the source tarball which my (Gentoo) Linux box uses. 
1.3.1 is the latest "unmasked" version (unmasked roughly corresponds
to "stable"). I generally stick with unmasked packages unless there is
pressing need to use a more recent version.

> > > > Starting GRASS ...
> > > > //usr/local/share/grassdata/spearfish60/user1/.gislock: No such
> > > > host or network path ERROR: /usr/local/grass-6.2.1/etc/lock:
> > > > Admin is currently running GRASS in selected mapset. Concurrent
> > > > use not allowed.
> > > > 
> > > > I guess it doesn't like /usr/local/share/grassdata/. Pity, as this
> > > > is a multi-user machine in the student lab.
> > > 
> > > No, it doesn't like the double slash, which indicates a network path
> > > (//usr/local = SMB share named "local" on host "usr").
> > 
> > oh, right. I'll try that again and see if the extra '/' was inserted
> > by me or the system.
> In the TclTk startup, if you go into the [Browse] file picker for
> DATABASE and ../ your way back to root dir from $HOME, the top dir is
> shown as //., so when you pick /usr/local/share/grassdata/ it keeps
> the extra '^/'. If you edit that out by hand back on the main GUI
> startup screen it goes back to normal and everything works.

It would be useful to explicitly catch that case in gis_set.tcl (or
maybe Init.sh).

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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