[GRASS-user] help with ogr2ogr and .shp file

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 28 23:56:32 EST 2007

antonio rodriguez wrote:
> I need some help and advice to transform a .shp file to a format 
> readable by GRASS.

from within your lat lon GRASS location:

v.in.ogr location=

to import the shape file and create a new location for it based on its
.prj projection info. (assuming it has a .prj file. if not you'll have
to create the needed location manually and import using v.in.ogr from
within the new location)

> Extent: (100528.742188, 3991489.250000) - (610083.250000, 4288506.900918)
> Layer SRS WKT: (unknown)

Looks like you'll have to create a new location and set the projection
settings manually...

then (in the lat/lon location) suck it into the lat/lon projection with


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