hajhouse hajhouse at houseag.com
Wed May 9 19:46:46 EDT 2007

På 2007-05-09, skrev David Adam:
> I'm missing some secrets for downloading DEM data from the USGS SDDS 
> (Seamless Data Distribution System) into GRASS. 
> I'm using GRASS-6.2.1 as a downloaded binary for Fedora Core 6.  I would 
> like to download DEM data for various areas and import the data into 
> GRASS, with each area going into a separate location.
> I've tried various formats for downloading the data (ArcGrid, geotiff, 
> BIL).  I get everything in a single zip file, put it in its own 
> directory, and unzip it, which produces a set of files including both 
> data and metadata.  I can set up a location using the "Define new 
> location using georeferenced file" option, and the new location exists 
> when I restart GRASS, but I have been unable to get the actual data to 
> import, either through the gui or directly with a call to r.in.gdal 
> (which brings up the gui anyway).  I have tried specifying each of the 
> files in the data as the file to import, but none of them seems to work.
> Is there a HOWTO available for this process?  If not, can anyone point 
> me in the proper direction?  Any help will be much appreciated...

I have sucessfully imported 1/3" NED DEMS from Seamless into GRASS.  I
just added some advice on this the GRASS wiki. Why don't you record your
experiences there?


Henry House
+1 530 753 3361 ext. 13
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