[GRASS-user] Intersections on World Map

ivan marchesini marchesini at unipg.it
Fri Nov 2 07:51:50 EDT 2007

really strange...
did you verify the topology of the world map?

v.build map=$map


Il giorno gio, 01/11/2007 alle 16.11 +0100, Martin Bley ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I still get stucked on an issue using v.overlay. I imported
> a shapefile
> with the world continents (the one from ESRI). Projection
> is Lat-Long. 
> Then I draw a line using v.in.ascii representing a latitude
> e.g.
> L  2 1
>  -180 -80
>  180 -80
>  1 1
> Now I use the following command to merge the intersection
> between the 
> latitude (80 South) and the areas in the world continents
> vector. 
> v.overlay ainput=$vector atype=line alayer=1 binput=World
> btype=area \
>  blayer=1 output=$out operator=and
> Works pretty well so far, until I reach latitude South 75+.
> Intersections doesn't
> match continents anymore (please see attached PNG file).
> I would appreciate any hint. 
> Regards,
> Martin 
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Ivan Marchesini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Perugia
Via G. Duranti 93/a 
Perugia (Italy)
Socio fondatore GFOSS "Geospatial Free and Open Source Software" http://www.gfoss.it
e-mail: marchesini at unipg.it
        ivan.marchesini at gmail.com
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