[GRASS-user] v.in.ogr should support postgis schemas

Markus Neteler neteler at fbk.eu
Fri Nov 23 07:32:36 EST 2007


I am confused:
-> Support of database schema

Is this not what you need?


Andreas Neumann wrote on 11/23/2007 08:42 AM:
> I agree that schema support is essential. In Postgis one cannot join
> tables from different databases, but it works well across schemas. So in
> practice, all data usually ends up in one big database, but organized in
> schemas. So yes, please, I also would very much appreciate if v.in.ogr
> would support schemas.
> Thank you for considering this improvement.
> Andreas Neumann
> Böschacherstrasse 6, CH-8624 Grüt/Gossau, Switzerland
> Email: a.neumann at carto.net, Web:
> * http://www.carto.net/ (Carto and SVG resources)
> * http://www.carto.net/neumann/ (personal page)
> * http://www.svgopen.org/ (SVG Open Conference)
> * http://www.geofoto.ch/ (Georeferenced Photos of Switzerland)
>> Since more than one year the ogr PostGIS driver supports PostGIS
>> schemas. For good DB-Modelling schemas are very essential. Unfortunately
>> the v.in.ogr command doesn't support PostGIS schemas till today. How are
>> the plans to introduce PostGIS schema support for v.in.ogr?
>> Best regards
>> Dr. Horst Düster
>> GIS-Koordinator, Stv. Amtschef
>> Kanton Solothurn
>> Bau- und Justizdepartement
>> Amt für Geoinformation
>> SO!GIS Koordination
>> Rötistrasse 4
>> CH-4501 Solothurn
>> Telefon ++41(0)32 627 25 32
>> Telefax ++41(0)32 627 22 14
>> mailto:horst.duester at bd.so.ch
>> http://www.agi.so.ch

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