[GRASS-user] identify features without cat

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 8 03:04:10 EDT 2007

Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> After some frustration with the GRASS-R functionality as implemented
> via temp shapefiles, I realized that the source of the problem was
> features missing cat values.

I've just added a note about this to vectorintro.html as it is
an unobvious feature of GRASS vector processing.

> I poked around with v.edit, but did not see any simple way to ID or
> remove features missing a cat value. The '-c' option in v.out.ogr was
> a temporary fix, but I would like to be able to identify / remove
> cat-less features without using v.out.ogr .
> Any tips on how to do this / or where work would need to be done?

to add category numbers use v.category or v.centroids.

you might give all newly categorized features a cat number of 99999
(cat=99999 step=0) then extract those to another map with v.extract
and compare.


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