[GRASS-user] raster data from one location to another

José María Michia jose.maria.michia at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 04:10:47 EST 2008

2008/12/11 Daniel Victoria <daniel.victoria en gmail.com>:
> To transfer from one location to another take a look at r.proj
> It's used to do projection transformation and it does so by copying
> from one location to another.... I guess it should work if both
> locations have the same projection, that is, copy from one location to
> another

I've tried r.proj as you suggest. The problem is that source location
don't have projection information. Is a XY location. Not georrefenced

I've used this location to fix the extents of a raster map. I get
wrong extents when import some tifs. r.in.gdal reports invalid values
(i.e., lon>180).  But, I've solved this problem by editing the TFW
file manually (I think that this is correct approach).

Thanks Daniel.

> DAniel
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:23 PM, José María Michia
> <jose.maria.michia en gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list. Sorry for the very basic question. I can not find a convincing way
>> to do it myself.
>> I need to copy a raster map from one location to another. I've think this
>> options:
>> - use a intermediary format, like ASCII
>> - use r.pack/r.unpack
>> - copy manually the files needed. I think that the files needed are all
>> files named with the same name that the source layer, and that are under
>> directories named "*cell*"
>> I've searched in google and in documentation, but I'm sure that exist some
>> better solution. Thanks for any advice.
>> Saludos
>> José María
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