[GRASS-user] ps.map dilemma

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 3 09:56:21 EDT 2008

FYI, I've added some more hints & tricks to the wiki page:

Moritz Lennert wrote:
> See http://geog-pc40.ulb.ac.be/grass/psmap/
> for two ps.map files and the resulting map, showing thematic mapping,
> proportionate circles and patterns. Unfortunately, I seem
> to have lost the pattern files I used...

Look in $GISBASE/etc/paint/patterns/

> Once I have some time, I'll try to contribute some
> more, possibly about using R to create symbols which you can then
> integrate with the eps '$' option in vpoints (see ages.png as an
> example, but can't find the psmap file right now :-( )

Nice bar graphs -> lets you do d.vect.chart magic with ps.map.

how to set up an accurate bubble plot legend?



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