[GRASS-user] Building topologically correct stream network

Jarek Jasiewicz jarekj at amu.edu.pl
Mon Jul 27 08:22:39 EDT 2009

> I'm regularly trying out different threshold values in r.watershed, 
> only to get different streams to be vectorized, flow accumulation and 
> drainage direction are not affected by the threshold option in 
> r.watershed. I have an idea for a new module that would take flow 
> accumulation and theshold as input and would then extract streams from 
> it, both as raster and as vector (topologically clean in the 
> v.strahler sense). This new module would work with both SFD and MFD 
> flow accumulation and with r.terraflow flow accumulation. The problem 
> is that the rough concept exists in my head only and I have no time 
> right now to develop this module. All the code is there in 
> r.watershed, it just needs to be reorganized a bit...
> Markus M

I just started to program these modules. My aim is create module which 
will copy funcionality of TAUDEM ie,  possibilites to model networks 
with sca alone (Mark's method) sca and slope (Montgomery Method) sca and 
curvatures (Tarboton's method) custom points and my method which use 
hipass filter output and sca to determine swales.

I need only help in some C structures (I rather php programer than C) If 
you or someone else will help me in that area  it would be appreciated. 
So nevermind, It will be part of my proffesor-assistant (habilitation?) 
thesis and whether or not module will be finish at the end of september.

Unfortuntely it will not be based on r.watershed. Its code is a little 
bit too chaotic and porly commented. For now I  publish for testing 
first part of my work for strhaler and shreeve analysis.
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