[GRASS-user] Interactive digitizing tool (wxPython) doesn't work and v.out.ogr always crashes under Windows Vista

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 02:30:16 EDT 2009


2009/7/22 Frank Bilki <fbilki at gmail.com>:
> I tried to use the interactive digitizing tool in the wxPython UI by
> displaying the new vector map, right-clicking it in the map layer
> tree, and choosing 'Start editing' from the context menu. It displays
> fine, but no matter how often I select my vector map, every tool I use
> says, "No vector map selected for editing." I can see the correct map
> name right there on the toolbar in the Map Display, so either I'm
> doing something fundamentally wrong or there is another problem that
> I'm too inexperienced with GRASS to figure out.

wxGUI extension (vector digitizer and 3D view mode) unfortunately do
not work on MS Windows. I hope it will be fixed soon (probably after


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa

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