[GRASS-user] r.sun crashes on Windows XP SP3

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 2 01:31:51 EST 2010

> Have installed GRASS 6.4 to explore it in a Win XP3
> environment. One of my main interests was r.sun. Every time
> I try to run the module after specifying the parameters in
> the GUI it generates an error and crashes - unfortunately,
> error reporter does not allow copy and paste details of
> report.

was it a pop-up box with a [Ok] button?
or was it in the GUI's module output tab? (highlight then right
click to copy)

as a last resort you could take and post a screenshot of it
(Alt-PrtScrn, then paste into Paint)

what was the exact command line used to run r.sun?

> Is there a known issue relating to windows?

Not that I know of. It works for me using the sample Spearfish

g.region -d
r.sun -s elevin=elevation.dem day=355 beam=elev.355.beam --verbose

can you get it to fail with one of the standard sample datasets?
(NC or spearfish data)

> Have been trying to import an esri binary grid file (.adf).
> The esri file is unprojected, i.e. I can import it only as a
> x,y.

is it actually unprojected, or just that the file lacks
projection metadata so it won't work automatically? ie do you
know what the projection should be? if so, create a new location
using that projection using the location wizard, and then import
with r.in.gdal's projection-check override flag.

r.sun may not like XY locations, it needs to know the latitude
in order to place the sun correctly in the sky. see the lat=
and latin= options if you must run it from XY.

> I gather that there is no way to reproject from xy into
> a projection system.

sure there is. if the projection is totally unknown you can use
the Georectifier in the File menu. On Mac and Linux there is also
the option to use the old i.points module to set that up, but
that won't work on MS Windows (unless you use the Cygwin build).

of course you have to give it some hints about how to do the

> The imported file only displays in part.

run g.region to set the computational region settings to match
the raster map?

> Is there a size limit (the file is c. 80k col x 40k row).

large file support (>2gb) currently does not work in WinGrass.
see  https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/CompileOnWindows#Errata
(but works fine for Mac and Linux)

a raster map of that size is probably exceeding that limit.
can you break it up into smaller chunks?

> Haven't been able to find out how to display a vector
> file that consists of characters as codes that correpond to
> a file of polygons - only 'centroids' show.

I don't understand that, could you explain it more?



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